Tuesday, February 14, 2006

What do you call an Eight-Foot Snowman...

The "Blizzard of 2006" has came and gone leaving behind about 8-10 inches of snow. Don’t even get me started on what these yahoos here in D.C. call a “Blizzard”. They need to spend a few years in the Northern Mid-West… like Utah!

East Coast snow is great because it is very dense (wet). This makes for great packing snow for things like forts, snowballs, and SNOWMEN!

Kayla and I had a great time all day Sunday. In fact, being a weekend, the whole neighborhood was out having a great time. Snowball fights were everywhere. A neighbor of ours and myself built a couple of snow-forts… only to have all the children tackle and destroy them with glee.

My next project was the Snowman. The bottom ball of the beast is between 500-800 lb.; the intermediate ball is around 300 lb.; and the head is about 80 lb. I had to use a stepladder to get the head placed upon the body. Kayla helped where she could and gave our snowman its final touchs with a carrot nose and scarf.

You can see more pictures at our snowman gallery.



Anonymous said...

What!?! No updates for the weekend? What were you moving or something. Ha Ha.


Anonymous said...

Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.