Thursday, February 02, 2006

Happy Groundhog Day?!?!

Phil the Groundhog has seen his shadow… Traditionally, this has meant six more week of winter weather. Seeing how winter has not started yet, at least in Northern Virginia, does this mean winter will now begin and last six weeks, or is my ski season completely ruined for this year.

I knew moving from Utah back to the east coast was going to put a serious kink in my skiing, but I didn’t realize that meant no skiing, at least locally. The ski conditions in Northern Virginia have been unbearable. If for some reason I did go to one of the local resorts I would have to rent skies; I wouldn’t dream of scraping up my Salomons or my Atomics on the mud mixed slush that currently litters the hills near D.C.

Maybe Phil, with the observance of his own displacement of light, will indeed grant all of us skiers on the east coast one great ski day before the foliage begins to bloom.


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