Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tattoo Art

Above is a tattoo arm band I've been working on. The idea for the tattoo came to me before Christmas. I've been intermittently working on it the last few months and finally think it's done. I am not a digital imagry artist, so please no post about my jagged edges!

The band will be continuous once tattooed onto the arm. The top section will face out, the bottom section will face in (toward the chest and heart).

There is a theme involved with this tattoo, but before I discuss it further I would like to know what everyone thinks. Let me know if you can figure out my inspiration for the tattoo. It has a cross in it so "Religion" is obvious, be specific and creative. Also, let me know if you like it or hate it.

Feel free to comment on you own opinion of tattoos as well. I would love to know what everyone thinks.

There seem to be four distinct groups of people when it comes to tatoos. Group One; Hate tattoos and think anyone who has a tattoo is a window-licking Knuckle-dragger. Group Two; Would never have a tattoo themselves, but don't have any position on people who have them. Group Three; Don't have any tattoos but have secretly thought about getting one many times. Group four; Have tattoos... maybe one... maybe they are covered. Where do you fall? I've been in group three for a long time, but think I may jump into group four soon enough.


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The above image is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


Anonymous said...

I’m not that great at interpreting art (I still puzzle over “Dogs Playing Poker”) so can really just take a blind stab at it. It’s visually pleasing and definitely would draw in the eye wherever it was displayed.

The two separate levels may represent heaven and earth. The fish shapes perhaps humankind, those still on earth and those in heaven. The cross is the Crucifixion, and mankind’s salvation through this sacrifice. The red fish might be Jesus ascended to heaven after making this blood sacrifice. The red symbol at the bottom is more difficult for me to guess. Perhaps the blood shed on the cross. I kind of want to interpret it as a dove, representing the spirit of God descending to earth to make this covenant with humanity.

As for Tattoos, I’m kind of Group 1, without the personal animosity. I will never get a tattoo. I know lots of people of high and low caliber with them. To me, it’s a vanity thing, unless it has some deep personal sentiment that goes beyond getting other people’s attention for attention’s sake. It’s like most people who wear crosses or little ribbons on their shirts or rubber wristbands. Ask them what it means to them.
Symbolism with substance, as I once heard it described.

But I suppose if you used it as a tool for witnessing, How could God object?

Anonymous said...

Me again. It was late one night when I first read this entry and now I realize (after it being pointed out to me by my wife and sister) that I missed the part about the tattoo being one continuous pattern. So, the heaven and earth stuff was obviously way of track. My latest thoughts are that the red at the bottom of the cross is the blood of Christ dropping off the cross (suggested by the two relative mentioned above). Then it occurred to me that since it is on the inside of your arm near your heart, when you raise your arm, the whole thing would be upside down. You then might interpret the symbol at the bottom as the spirit of Jesus ascending to heaven after his resurrection. Also, the bordering reminds me of the crown of thorns.