Thursday, August 02, 2007

Steel Toed Boots

Today I donned a new, out-of-the-box, pair of steel toed boots. This may not seem like an important event but to me it’s a big deal. In a way, it marks my final transition back as an aircraft maintainer. More specifically, I once again have become an Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Technician (2A656). I have a lot of work to do to catch up since I’ve been gone for the last seven years in another career field (3C271). Unfortunately, the Air Force doesn’t know how to deal with long term career field returnees like myself, but my shop is full of a lot of great airmen that are willing to help out the “new-old guy”. Just in case you’re reading this thinking, “Old Guy?”… Yes, sometime between turning 31 and sewing on Technical Sergeant I’ve became an old guy; at least that’s what all the 18-20 year-old airmen in my shop think!!!!

When I wore my last pair of steel-toed boots:

  • It was August 2000. I had already served since 10 Sep 1996, four years.
  • I was an Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Technician (2A656).
  • I was a Senior Airmen.
  • Angela and I had no kids (she was pregnant, but no rug rats yet).
  • I was stationed at Eglin AFB, Florida (my first assignment).
  • I worked at the 33rd Fighter Wing / 60th Fighter Squadron.
  • I worked on F-15C/D Fighter Aircraft.
  • I knew very little about the Air force, much less the military.
  • We lived in base housing because we couldn’t afford anything else.

Since I took off my Steel-toed boots:

  • I cross-trained and became a Communications-Computer System Controller (3C271).
    • As an electrician I learned about electricity, as a Communications Controller I learned about Frequency. That offers me a very unique and complete view of the electronic world.
  • I was still stationed at Eglin AFB, Florida.
    • I worked at the 96 Communications Group / 96 Communication Squadron.
  • My first child, Kayla, was born.
  • I sewed on Staff Sergeant and became a Non-Commissioned Officer.
  • I PCS’d to Hill AFB, Utah.
    • I worked at the 388 Fighter Wing / 729 Air Control Squadron.
      • I Played Army at the 729ACS and earned a Combat Readiness Medal.
        • I became qualified as a driving specialist in a wide variety of vehicles in tactical situations (most notable Humvee’s and 5-tons in mountain negotiation).
        • I also became qualified to teach vehicle negotiation and tactics in a wide variety of vehicles.
  • My Second child, Lili, was born.
  • I PCS’d to Washington D.C. (actually, northern Virginia but it’s all grown together).
    • I worked for the 81 Training Group / 333 Training Squadron / Detachment 1
      • I learned and then taught many aspects of the Global Command and Control System - Joint (GCCS-J)
      • Good or bad, GCCS-J Taught me how the Military works, not just the Air Force; Views that I believe not even many officers fully understand or appreciate.
      • Many of my students (Enlisted, Officer, Civil Servant, and Contractor) are currently working at the National Military Command Center at the pentagon; using systems I taught them how to operate. My influence on the military doesn't get more tangible then that!!
  • We've bought our first house.
  • Last but not least, I sewed on Technical Sergeant!

Now I'm donning a new pair of steel toed boots. I've PCS'd back to a base I'm comfortable with and I'm again doing a job I'm happy with. The Aircraft I look at in the morning during FOD walk appears very different but everything seems oddly back to normal. The last seven years have been one wild-dreamy ride.



Anonymous said...


Great Blog!! I am glad that you were able to go back!! We miss you here at the Det, but we know where your heart is! Hope you are still having fun!!


Anonymous said...

Great Blog! We miss you at the Det!


Anonymous said...

I kind of miss this old blog..